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Easy, Dairy-Free Banana Bread

Looking for an easy and delicious banana bread recipe? Look no further!

One of the things that drives me crazy is wasting food. It is bad for the wallet and the environment. Not to mention so many people go hungry every day. Bananas are a food that we get frequently and are usually able to eat before they go bad. However, some weeks, we just don’t get to them in time. One quick thing that I do is peel them and toss them in a container in our freezer. This makes the most delicious banana ice cream once you have enough to throw in a food processor with your favorite flavors. I am so grateful for the friend that taught me that tip!

My favorite thing to do with over ripe bananas, though, is to make banana bread. This recipe works best if the banana is overripe. The sweeter banana adds additional flavor and moisture to the bread.

This vegan banana bread is super easy to make. You simply throw all the ingredients in one bowl, mix it up and bake it! How much easier can you get? Outside of mashing the banana first, it doesn’t even matter the order that you put the ingredients in, as long as you mix it well. I typically alternate wet and dry ingredients simply because it make it easier to mix.

This banana bread is also super versatile in meeting your family’s tastes. You can adjust the sugar from ½ cup to 1 cup, depending on how sweet you like it. You can also play around with different toppings. My children love chocolate chips, so I will usually throw ½ to 1 cup of those in. You can also throw in your favorite nuts or dried fruit to mix it up. Let us know what your favorite addition is!

One it is baked, the banana bread is super moist and delicious! It makes a super easy thing to eat for breakfast or even the perfect dessert.

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